Harley In The Sky Circus Book Tag

Fact: I am obsessed with the idea of circuses.
Fact: I have never been to the circus.

There’s just something so magical, so mysterious about the circus. Ever since my Robert Pattinson heyday and Water for Elephants I’ve held this fascination for the romance of the circus. Also, The Night Circus did absolutely nothing to curb that said fascination.

Anyway, now that we’ve established that circuses are my THING, I have to send a big shout out to to Kay for tagging me to participate in the Harley In The Sky Circus Book Tag. Kay is one of my bookish besties so be sure to check out her post too. Spoiler alert: her post inspired my GIFs so thank you, Kay! ❤

This book tag, created by Jemma was inspired by Harley in the Sky by Akemi Dawn Bowman. Harley in the Sky sees Harley Milano as she runs away with the circus to realize her dream of soaring across the big top as a trapeze artist. If you loved The Greatest Showman or struggle with identity then THIS is the book for you. But, without further ado, let’s get into the tag.

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Ring Master: What book introduced you to your favorite genre?


The Assassin’s Blade served as my introduction to hardcore fantasy and to the Throne of Glass series itself. A bind-up of prequel novellas, The Assassin’s Blade gives major insight to the story of Celaena Sardothien; her rise to notoriety as Adarlan’s assassin and ultimately, her heart wrenching downfall. What I loved about The Assassin’s Blade is the fact that these novellas really play with the setting as they slowly build this sprawling, immersive world around you. You get a chance to find your footing before Sarah J. Maas basically rips the rug right out from under you.

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Acrobatics: A fast-paced read  

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Daughter of the Siren Queen is the follow-up to Daughter of the Pirate King and naturally, as is the way of best laid schemes, things don’t go according to plan. Right off the bat the board is set for a blockbuster conclusion. The banter, romance and general pirate tomfoolery is pushed to the back burner as a high stakes, cutthroat race takes the helm. And Tricia Levenseller doesn’t mess around. Basically, it’s an epic fast paced adventure that could rival that of Captain Jack Sparrow’s quest for the Fountain of Youth.

Clowns: A book that made you laugh


This one feels like a cop-out because I’m only, like 20% into it but seriously, Nevernight is freaking hilarious. A deliciously dark adult fantasy, Nevernight follows Mia Corvere who travels to the Red Church for an apprenticeship in death. It’s a violent story about murder and revenge but told with plenty of snark, swearing and wit. Jay Kristoff writes with this sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek humor which balances out the more graphic scenes. Don’t even get me started on his Pratchett-like footnotes which take the piss out of literally everything.

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Knife thrower: A book that had you on the edge of your seat

House of Salt and Sorrows

House of Salt and Sorrows is my new favorite brooding fairy tale. A deliciously moody world of brine and terror, House of Salt and Sorrows blends elements of the Twelve Dancing Princesses with Edgar Allen Poe’s Annabel Lee. There’s this definite unsettling vibe that encompasses everything, including the setting. A sense of dampness and isolation – a veil of mystery. There’s ghostly apparitions, grotesque figures and an intense, almost feverish plot. This book is not for the faint of heart.

Tightrope Walker: A book you just couldn’t put down


It’s been two weeks since I finished Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood and I’m still hungover. A sprawling, complex novel of epic proportions, Crescent City blends urban fantasy with a murder mystery and buddy cop plot. A roller coaster from start to finish, this book consumed me. I was gaping, screaming and crying as I tried, aimlessly, to piece it all together. And failed because man – what a freaking plot twist.

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Ventriloquist: A book with a great twist


It’s actually kind of embarrassing that after dragging this series for years, I haven’t been able to shut up about it lately. Anyway, Holly Black is a certified master when it comes to storytelling because The Queen of Nothing was INTENSE. The pacing was perfection as we are led, like lambs to the slaughter, through plot twist after plot twist. That being said, all the plot twists in the series couldn’t hold a candle to that final nail-in-the-coffin twist around the 70% mark. I mean – WTF?!? What a freaking game changer, am I right?. Clearly I’m still recovering.

Magician: A book with a magic system you love

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I don’t talk about Everless enough. Probably because it should have been a standalone. I’m not even going to talk about that. Anyway, Everless features a unique but morbid concept where blood and time are used as currency. It’s a ruthless world where the aristocracy can live for eons but the merchant classes bleed themselves dry. Thieves and bleeders loiter the woodlands, ready to bleed the years from unsuspecting travelers and time itself seems to ripple and lapse.

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Static Trapeze: Best or Worst Cliffhanger


A fierce maelstrom of violence, bloodletting and emotional turmoil, Empire of Storm’s plot plays out like a grueling game of strategy where the upper hand constantly shifts. And, just when everything seems to be going as planned, the quest is thrown into chaos with the arrival of the big bad. Also, making us wait for two years for this mess to be fixed? Unforgivable. Utterly unforgivable. I screamed, I cried and a part of my soul died as the final pieces fell into place; the endgame becoming clear, the true antagonist declaring them self. Simultaneously the best and worst cliffhanger ever.

Belle | Carly | Emma | Nish & Nogoc

And on an unrelated note: just a quick reminder that this is a very stressful and unsettling time. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed or anxious. Practice social distancing and stay safe but don’t forget to look after your mental health! Mental heath is just as important, especially now. Keep smiling, stay positive – we’re all in this together and we’ll get through it. If you need a friend you are always welcome to reach out to me. Stay safe everyone. ❤ #spreadlovenotfear

17 thoughts on “Harley In The Sky Circus Book Tag

  1. AFOIJEAIFJEOI YOUR GREATEST SHOWMAN GIFS JUST MADE MY LIFEEEEEE 😍 You seriously have no idea how obsessed I am with that movie 😂Also um, how CREEPY was House of Salt & Sorrows? I listened to it as an audiobook, often right before bed & holy guacamole, some of the scenes gave me heart palpitations 😂I feel like I should also mention that even though I’m not the *biggest* fan of Celaena, I do adore The Assassin’s Blade, especially seeing her relationship with Sam 😢 And I loved that it actually serves a purpose – I hate it when novellas are just there for the sake of making more moolah & don’t add anything to the world building or character development!

    Thanks so much for tagging us in this! 😍

    💛 Your saltmate, Ngoc

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you appreciated my GIFS – I thought you might! 😉 And how did I not know that you are obsessed??? Greatest Showman [and Hugh Jackman for that matter] is my LIFE. Seriously, the soundtrack plays on repeat at my house. 😂

      And I’m so glad you enjoyed House of Salt and Sorrows – it was one of my top books of 2019. Considering how much of a wuss I am I’m actually pretty surprised how much I LIVED for the eerie, morbid world. It was so CREEPY with a capital C and I loved it. Low key hoping for a sequel [even if it futile!].

      As for The Assassin’s Blade, it’s actually one of my favorite installments from the series. Why? SAM FREAKING CORTLAND. ❤ I am still not over Sam!!! And you're so right about it actually serving a purpose. I stand by the opinion that it's the 1st Throne of Glass book.

      I can't wait to see your answers – and GIFs!!! ❤ Your saltmate x

      Liked by 1 person

      • YESSSS I loved that movie so much, I drove my sister crazy playing the soundtrack everyday while I was getting ready or having a shower, every day for about 3-4 months 😂

        Oooh, a sequel would actually be so good, because I felt like the ending was a bit rushed and a bit too…neat for my liking? That’s probs the only reason it wasn’t a solid 5 stars, but it’s still one of my fave reads this year! I’m so glad it lived up to the hype 😀


        Yayyyy can’t wait to answer it!!! 😍

        💛 Your saltmate

        Liked by 1 person

        • Love that! I drove mine crazy too – I practically had Million Dreams on repeat and it wasn’t unusual for me to spontaneously reenact The Other Side on my kitchen counter. As you do, right??? Honestly, not casting me in that film was a missed opportunity – no one dances on the table like me! 😅😅😅

          And even if we couldn’t get a direct sequel, I’d settle for a spin off! I need more of that eerie setting and sisterhood vibes!


          ❤ Your Saltmate

          Liked by 1 person

          • OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST THING I’VE HEARD ALL WEEK!!! RE-ENACTING THE OTHER SIDE ON YOUR KITCHEN COUNTER?! FREAKING ICONIC 😂My secret dream is to one day have a Greatest Showman-themed engagement shoot (you think I’m kidding but I’m not 😂) I’ve heard whispers of a sequel, so maybe they’ll realise their mistake & FINALLY cast you?!

            Omg, a spinoff would actually be fantastic…or like a sequel set in the future with one of the other siblings as MC? GIMME MORE, BASICALLY!

            💛 Your saltmate

            Liked by 1 person

            • You have no idea just how much it annoyed literally my whole family. 😂😂😂 I think they were a little concerned!!! I even did the whole water-shot-slam-down-thing. #noregrets.

              BUT HOLD THE FREAKING PHONE ——- STIRRINGS OF A SEQUEL?!?! YASSSSSSSS!!! THIS IS MY MOMENT!!!! 😉 [I better get that call from Hugh! 😂]

              And I LOVE the idea of a Greatest Showman-themed engagement shoot – I’ll expect my invite in the mail! ❤ – Just kidding but not really.

              ❤ Your saltmate

              Liked by 1 person

              • Ohmygosh this is literally my fave thing ever – I hope you filmed some of these sessions! I LOVE your dedication to your art 😍

                If the sequel happens & you don’t get cast, I will actually RIOT!!! *shakes fist*

                Girl, you’ll be the entertainment for the wedding at this stage 😂

                💛 Your saltmate

                Liked by 1 person

                • You know what – it is my deepest regret that I have no video footage of that bar dance. I tried to bribe my brother [who is a film student] to film it but he straight up refused??? Like WHAT??? It would have been LEGENDARY! I could have RE-WRITTEN THE FREAKING STARS.


                  But there is still time… maybe it could be an isolation project??? Heeheehee! Also, I am 1000% READY to re-enact said performance at your weddings. Dignity who??? 😂😂😂

                  You Saltmate ❤

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • I am no film student but I promise you if I’m ever in Melbs again, *I* will film it for you!!! It will be the greatest project OF MY LIFE 🤩


                    💛 forever, your saltmate

                    Liked by 1 person

  2. This tag seems like so much fun, and the gifs 👌🏽👌🏽!! I see Harley in the Sky everywhere, but I didn’t know that it was about the circus?? I think I’ll actually love it though because do I like the Greatest Showman and do I struggle with identity? Yes and… yes 😂.
    Honestly, I need to read every book you mentioned here still haha. Neverknight has been on my TBR foreeeever 🎶. And Everless sounds so good! I’m a bit worried about it not being standalone though 😅 .
    I loved this post, Alexandra! And thank you so much for the tag 🥺💕. Stay safe and well 💛.!


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